Blue Moon

Eva Mars piano/bar

Blue mo-on you saw me stan-ding a-lone
Wi-thout a dream in my heart
Wi-thout a love of my own

Blue mo-on you know just what I was the-re for
You heard me sa-ying a prayer for
So-meone I real-ly do care for

And then sud-den-ly ap-peared be-fore me
The on-ly one my arms could ever ho-old
I heard so-me-body whi-sper please a-dore me
But when I looked that moon had turned to gold

Blue mo-on now I’m no lon-ger a-lone
Wi-thout a dream in my heart
Wi-thout a love of my own

And the-n sud-den-ly ap-peared be-fore me
The on-ly one my arms could ever hold
I heard some-bo-dy whi-sper please a-dore me
But when I looked that moon had turned to gold

Blue moon you saw me stan-ding a-lone
Wi-thout a dream in my heart
Wi-thout a love of my own

Blue mo-on you know just what I was the-re for
You heard me sa-ying a prayer for
So-meone I real-ly do care for

Ti la ta da
Pi da lo pi hi hi hi ha
Ba da da tcha ti di fi fi fi
Ta lam houm ta da hey hey-