Calypso Queen
Calypso Rose Calypso
They say that I reign too long
For-get-ting that my cons-ti-tu-tion is strong
Instead of res-pec-ting my long long reign
They ma-king plot to take down my name
I’ve been brea-king down walls
E-ver since I was small
They could stand up tall and strong
Like a wre-cking ball I go knock them down
They say that I reign too long
For-get-ting that my cons-ti-tu-tion is strong
Ins-tead of res-pec-ting my long long reign
They ma-king plot to take down my name
E-very-where I reign su-preme
The one and on-ly ca-lyp-so queen
No man a-live or dead
Could man come and take the crown of my head
Them foo-lish and pet-ty men
I don’t wor-ry ‘bout them
They’ve been try-ing to take me down
But to the end I re-tain my crown
They say that I reign too long
For-get-ting that my cons-ti-tu-tion is strong
Ins-tead of res-pec-ting my long long reign
They ma-king plot to take down my name
They used to call me small is-land girl
Now I tra-vel the world
E-very-where the go they know
I am ca-lyp-so rose queen of ca-lyp-so
I am the daugh-ter of the war-rior
No time to rest or re-ti-re
O-thers have come and gone
But ca-lyp-so rose is still sin-ging on
They say that I reign too long
For-get-ting that my cons-ti-tu-tion is strong
Ins-tead of res-pec-ting my long long reign
They ma-king plot to take down my name