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I can’t give your anything but love

Peggy Lee swing

I can’t give you a-ny-thing but love, ba-by
That’s the on-ly thing I’ve plen-ty of, ba-by
Dream a while, scheme a while
You’re sure to find
Hap-pi-ness and I guess
All those things you’ve al-ways pined for

Gee I love to see you loo-king’ swell, ba-by
Dia-mond brace-lets Wool-worth does-n’t sell, ba-by
Till that lu-cky day, you know darn well, ba-by-y
I can’t give you a-ny-thing but love

Ge-e-e ‘love to see you loo-king’ swell loo-king’ swell ba-by.
Dia-mond brace-lets Wool-worth does-n’t sell, ba-by
Till that lu-cky day, you know darn well, ba-by
I can’t give you a-ny-thing but love