Accueil » Paroles des chansons » I love Paris

I love Paris

version Avalon Jazz Band Piano/bar

I love Pa-ris in the spring time
I love Pa-ris in the fall
I love Pa-ris in the win-ter when it driz-zles
I love Pa-ris in the sum-mer when it siz-zles

I love Pa-ris e-v’ry mo-ment
E-very mo-ment of the year
Oh oh I love Pa-ris
Why oh why love Pa-ris oh
Be-cause my love i-is here

I love Pa-ris in the spring time
I love Pa-ris in the fa-a-all
I love Pa-ris in the win-ter when it driz-zles
I love Pa-ris in the sum-mer when it siz-zles

I love Pa-ris e-v’ry mo-ment
E-very mo-ment of the year yeah
Oh I lo-ve love Pa-ris
Why oh why-y love Pa-ris oh
Be-cause my love is here
Be-cause my love is here
Be-cause my love is here-