Accueil » Paroles des chansons » I will survive

I will survive

version Nils Landgren Piano/bar

At first i was a-fraid i was pe-tri-fied
A kept thin-kin’ i could ne-ver live wi-thout you by my side
But then i spent so ma-ny nights thin-kin ho-w you did m-e wrong
And i grew strong and i learned how to get you a-long

So your back from ou-ter space
I just walked in to find you here with that
Sad look u-pon your face
I should have changed that stu-pid locki would have mode you leave your key
If have known for just one se-cond you’d back to bo-ther me

Go on now, go
Walk out the do-or
And just turn a-round now
A cause you’re not wel-come a-ny-mo-ore,
We-ren’t you the one who tried to hurt me with good-bye,
And you think I’d crum-ble?
And do you think I’d lay down and die?

Oh no not I, I will sur-vi-ve,
Oh as long as I know how to love I know I’ll stay a-live,
I’ve got all my life to li-ive; I’ve got all my love to give,
And I’ll sur-vive, I will sur-vive,

It took all the strength I had not to fall a-part,
I get try-ing hard to mend to the pie-ces of my bro-ken heart,
I spent oh so ma-ny nights just fee-ling sor-ry for my-self,
Ii used to cry, but now I hold my head up high,

And you’ll see me, some-bo-dy ne-ew,
I’m not that chained up lit-tle per-son still in love with you,
And so you felt like drop-pin’ in and just ex-pect me to be free,
Now I’m sa-vin’ all my lo-vin’ for some-one who’s lo-vin’ me.

Go on now go, walk out the do-or,
And just turn a-round no-w
A cause your not wel-come a-ny-mo-ore,
Oh weren’t you the o-ne who tried to break me with good-bye,
You think I’d crumble?
And do you think I’d lay down and die?

Oh no not I, I will sur-vi-ive,
Oh as long as I know how to love I know I’ll stay a-live,
I’ve got all my life to li-ive, I’ve got all my love to give,
And I’ll sur-vive, I wi-ill sur-vive