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If I don’t be there by morning

Eric Clapton rock

Blue sky u-pon the ho-ri-zon,
Pri-vate eye is on my trail-,
And if I I I don’t be there by mor-ning
You know that I must have spent the night in jail.

I’ve been run-ning from Mem-phis to L. A.
Had an ap-point-ment set some-time for to-day,
And if I I I don’t be there by mor-ning
You know that I must have gone the o-ther way.

Fin-ding my way back to you girl,
Lo-ne-ly and blue and mis-trea-ted too.
Some-times I think of you girl-,
Is it true that you think of me too?

I got a wo-man li-ving in L. A.
I got a wo-man wai-ting for my pay,
And if I I I don’t be there by mor-ning,
Pack my clo-o-thes, get down on your knees and pray.

Fin-ding my way back to you girl-,
Lo-nely and blue and’mis-trea-ted too.
Some-times I think of you girl-,
Is it true that you think of me too?

I left my wo-man with a twen-ty dol-lar bill.
I left her wai-ting, I hope she’s wai-ting for me still.
And if I I I don’t be there by mor-ning
You know that I, I ne-ver will.