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Last night

version Chris Anderson et Dj Robbie madison

Ba ba woo ba ba woo hey hey
La-dies and gen-tle-men, are you rea-dy?
I’ve been thrilled ooooooh yes!!!
Oh my lo-ove, I wan-na make you move
Hey hey ba-by oh I’ve fought.
My soul is fed up on you ba-by
And e-very-bo-dy stands with me
I got you fee-ling good ba-by ha ha

Hey hey hey hey hey ba-by
Oooooh yes!
Let me do my life now
my dar-ling and e-v’ry-bo-dy stands with me
I got you fee-ling good
Let’s go mu-sic
Here we go!

Hey hey la-dies and gen-tle-men
D-j Rob-bie

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