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Ma jolie Louise

Isabelle Boulay

Ma jo-lie, how do you do?
Mon nom est Jean-Guy Thi-bault-Le-roux
I come from east of Ga-ti-neau
My name is Jean-Guy, ma jo-lie

J’ai une mai-son à La-fon-taine
Where we can live, if you mar-ry me
Une belle mai-son à La-fon-taine
Where we will live, you and me
Oh Lou-ise, ma jo-lie Lou-ise
ma jo-lie Lou-ise
Tous les ma-tins au so-leil
I will work ’til work is done
Tous les ma-tins au so-leil
I did work ’til work was done
And one day, the fore-man said
Jean-Guy, we must let you go
Et pis mon nom, y’est pas bon
At the mill a-ny-more…
Oh Lou-ise, I’m lo-sing my head,
I’m lo-sing my head

My kids ar’ small, four and three Et la bou-teille, she’s mon a-mi
I drink the rum ’tilI I can’t see
It hides the shame Louise does not see
A Ca-rou-sel turns in my head,
And I can’t hide, oh no, no, no, no
And the rage turned in my head
And Lou-ise, I struck her down,
Down on the ground
I’m lo-sing my mind, I’m lo-sing my mind

En Sep-tembre soix-ante trois
kids are gone, and so is Lou-ise.
On-ta-r-i-o, they did go
Near la ville de To-ron-to
Now my tears, they roll down,
Tous les jours ou ou ou ou
And I re-mem-ber the days,
And the pro-mi-ses that we made
Oh Lou-ise, ma jo-lie Lou-ise, ma jo-lie Lou-ise Ma jo-lie, how do you do?
Mon nom est Jean-Guy Thi-bault-Le-roux
I come from east of Ga-ti-neau
My name is Jean-Guy, ma jo-lie-