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Move in the rigth direction

Gossip disco

One step clo-ser, I’m fee-ling fine
Get-ting bet-ter one day at a time
I’m mo-ving for-wa-ard, it’s all in my mind
I’m hea-ding talk with-out new stay to mine

So I’will hold back tears
Move in the right di-rec-tion
Face my fears
Move in the right di-rec-tion
I’m do-ing fi-ne
One step clo-ser e-v’ry day at the time
I won’t lose my mind
Lose my mi-i-ind, ah-ah, oo

Mo-ti-va-tion, a po-wer-ful strength
He-si-ta-tion was my first ins-tinct
I got the no-tion that weak-ness was
To-tal de-vo-tion, it’s o-kay, be-cause

I will hold back tears
So I can move in the right di-rec-tion
I have faced my fears
Now, I can move in the right di-rec-tion
I’m do-ing fi-ine
One step closer e-ve-ry day at the time
I won’t lose my mind
Lose my mi-i-ind, ah-ah, oo

Kee-ping my head up, loo-king for-ward
Re-mi-nis-cing will ge-et you no-where
Ne-ver say ne-ver, star-ting o-ver
It’s not per-fect, but it’s ge-et-ting clo-ser

I’ll hold back tears
So I can move in the right di-rec-tion
I have faced my fears
Now, I can move in the right di-rec-tion
I’m do-ing fi-ine
One step closer e-ve-ry day at the time
I won’t lose my mind
Lose my mi-i-ind, ah-ah, oo