
Village People disco

Young man
There’s no need to feel down
I said
Young man
Pick your-self off the ground
I said
Young man
Cause you’re in a new town
There’s no
Need to be un-hap-py

Young man
There’s a place you can go
I said
Young man
When you’re short on your dough
You can
Stay there
And I’m sure you will find
Ways to have a good time

It’s fun to stay at the
It’s fun to stay at the
They have e-ve-ry-thing
For you men to en-joy
You can hang out with all the boys

It’s fun to stay at the
It’s fun to stay at the
You can get your-self clean
You can have a good meal
You can do wha-te-ver you fee-e-el

Young man
Are you lis-tening to me?
I said
Young man
What do you want to be?
I said
Young man
You can make real your dreams
But you
Got to know this one thing

No man
Does it all by him-self
I said
Young man
Put your pride on the shelf
And just
Go there
To the Y-M-C-A
I’m sure
They can help you to-day

It’s fun to stay at the
It’s fun to stay at the
They have e-ve-ry-thing
For you men to en-joy
You can hang out with all the boys

It’s fun to stay at the
It’s fun to stay at the
You can get your-self clean
You can have a good meal
You can do wha-te-ver you fee-e-el

Young man
I was once in your shoes
I said
I was down and out with the blues
I felt
No man
Cared if I were a-live
I felt
The whole world was so jive

That’s when
So-meone came up to me
And said
Young man
Take a walk up the street
There’s a
Place there
Called the Y-M-C-A
They can
Start you back on your way

It’s fun to stay at the
It’s fun to stay at the
They have e-ve-ry-thing
For you men to en-joy
You can hang out with all the boy-oys

It’s fun to stay at the
Young man young man
There’s no need to feel down
Young man young man
Get your-self off the grou-ou-ound

You’ll find it at the
No man no man
Does it all by him-self