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You never can tell

Chuck Berry rock

It was a tee-nage wed-ding and the old folks wished them well
You could see that Pi-erre did tru-ly love the Ma-de-moi-selle
And now the young Mon-sieur and Ma-dame have rung the cha-pel bell

C’est la vie say the old folks
It goes to show you ne-ver can tell

They fur-nished off an a-par-tment with a two room a Roe-buck sa-le
The Coo-le-ra-tor was crammed with T-V din-ners and gin-ger a-le
But when Pi-erre found work, the lit-tle mo-ney comin’ wor-ked out well

C’est la vie say the old folks
It goes to show you ne-ver can tell

They had a hi-fi pho-no boy, did they let it blast!
Se-ven hun-dred lit-tle re-cords all rock ‘n, rhy-thm and ja-a-azz
But when the sun went down the ra-pid tem-po of the mu-sic fell

C’est la vie say the old folks
It goes to show you ne-ver can tell

They bought a sou-ped-up jitney was a cher-ry red fif-ty free
And drove it down New Orl-eans to ce-le-brate their an-ni-ver-sa-ry-y
It was there where Pi-erre was wed-ded to the lo-v’ly Ma-de-moi-selle

C’est la vie say the old folks
It goes to show you ne-ver can tell

They had a tee-nage wed-ding and the old folks wi-shed them well
You could see that Pi-erre did tru-ly love the Ma-de-moi-selle
And now the young Mon-sieur and Ma-dame have rung the cha-pel bell

C’est la vie say the old folks
It goes to show you ne-ver can tell